Thursday, July 12, 2018

day no. 14,507: the golden circle:"why" before "what"

Stan Hayek sent ( this link ) to a TED talk by Simon Sinek entitled, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action," out to CG leaders and asked us to watch. 

I really appreciated the golden circle diagram emphasizing that your "Why" should be driving your "How" and your "What." Why inspires, what solicits. You can get 10% of people to get behind what you solicit, but you can change the world by gripping the hearts of 84% of people if you inspire them. Some people will always hold out no matter "what" you do and some will be on board based on the "what" alone; but inspiration, that comes from leading with your "why," will rally the troops to insist on sweating and bleeding if only for the opportunity to be part of "why" you're doing.

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