Wednesday, April 22, 2020

day no. 15,157: laziness is wickedness incarnate

"Making maximum use of every hour and every minute is as important to speed in combat as simply going fast when we are moving. It is important to every member of a military force whether serving on staffs or in units—aviation, combat service support, ground combat, everyone. A good tactician has a constant sense of urgency. We feel guilty if we are idle. We never waste time, and we are never content with the pace at which events are happening. We are always saying to ourselves and to others, 'Faster! Faster!' We know that if speed is a weapon, so is time." -- MCDP 1-3: Tactics

Ephesians 5:15-16
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

The presupposition is that everyone is walking somewhere and sooner or later they're going to get there. It is also presupposed that time will pass whatever you do, so use it well before it's no longer available. Lastly, it is presupposed that the temptation is to fritter away your days doing whatever comes most naturally... which is evil.

Laziness is wickedness incarnate.

It is a refusal to move although the world is moving around them. Lethargy is embodied defiance, a refusal to get up and go; it's the warm embrace of atrophy.

To walk wisely is to have an internal game clock. You play the game aware of the time remaining. It also implies having an eternal game clock. You know what game you're playing and where you're trying to go with all of it. The present is informed by your future goals. You begin with the end in mind and act in the moment in keeping with what momentum you want to create.

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