Tuesday, April 21, 2020

day no. 15,156: speed kills

"I may lose a battle, but I shall never lose a minute." -- Napoleon

"Get there first with the most men." -- Nathan Bedford Forrest 

"When the great day of battle comes remember your training and remember above all else that speed and violence of attack are the sure road to success." -- General Patton

Speed kills.

It is a weapon in itself. If you can brandish speed, you can generate an advantage. 

Speed is the ability to be there before they are, to strike before they see you and to be beyond them before they know what hit them.

Jeremiah 12:5
If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses?

Faster is not always better but it is always faster.

"Speed impacts on the enemy, especially his mind, causing fear, indecision, and helplessness. Remember, attacking the enemy's mind is a central tenet of maneuver warfare." -- MCDP 1-3: Tactics

Quick initiative and fast action force the enemy to react and the quicker the initiative and the faster the action, the less reaction time they have. Proactive assertion is always preferred to reactive compulsion. It is always better to choose your course of action that to have it chosen for you by your opponent. Acting fast is a surefire way to secure this advantage and the liberty of choice that accompanies it.

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