Wednesday, April 8, 2020

day no. 15,143: no one is advertising their weaknesses

"Critical Vulnerabiities. For battlefield success, it is not enough to generate superior combat power. We must focus that combat power. We must concentrate our efforts on a critical vulnerability, that is, a vulnerability which permits us to destroy some capability without which the enemy cannot function effectively... There is no formula for determining critical vulnerabilities. Each situation is different. Critical vulnerabilities will rarely be obvious. This is one of the things that make mastery of tactics so difficult and one reason that so few actions achieve a decisive outcome. Identifying critical vulnerabilities is an important prerequisite to achieving a decision." -- MCDP 1-3: Tactics

Everything that is not God is vulnerable. He alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light. Everything else is mortal: subject to the laws of rust and decay, limited by place, in knowledge, in capacity, and in potency. Given that things are vulnerable, they naturally tend to cover up these vulnerabilities. In other words, your enemy is not advertising their weak points anymore than you are. If you want to strike where it hurts them the most, you will have to do the hard work of determining where precisely that Achilles' heel is.

It is crucial to determine where these are on your own team in order to defend them, cloak their appearance, etc... And it is crucial to identify them in the other team in order to exploit them, attack them and bring a swift conclusion to the imposition of your will upon theirs.

The enemy will attack you where they perceive you are weak. So in their attacks, you learn what they have assessed to be your weakness. If they have guessed wrong, make them pay for it. But also consider what data points they used to determine that place to be a weak spot of yours. Why would they attack there of all places? And what are you doing to give that impression?

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