Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thoughts from "Hoping for a New Reformation" by Tullian Tchividjian

Read the full blog post HERE.

I love the way Tullian is so relentlessly devoted to preaching the purity of the Gospel in granting hope and freedom to those burdened by religion, sin, and self.  The Law of God and the Gospel of God are what must be preached to reach the lost with the full counsel of God.

Tullian has devoted his life to anchoring the Christian hope in Christ alone.  He says it this way,

"It just seemed so new to so many because it had been lost for so long amidst a moralistic, narcissistic, “do more, try harder”, caricature of the Christian faith that has been prevalent for so long. What I kept hearing from people all over the world was that so many pulpits consistently preach the Christian and not the Christ and as a result many have been burdened by the false idea that the focus of the Christian faith is the life of the Christian. I knew something had to be done."

Tullian started up Liberate - a resource for proclaiming the firm foundation of hope in Christ alone by grace alone in faith alone.

He sums up this organization's mission this way,

"My hope and prayer is that this website will be a place where you can hear and believe the good news that the God who rightly condemns sinners according to his law, liberates sinners with the forgiving love of his gospel. We pray that it becomes a catalytic platform for serious thinking about 'a more radical gospel.'”

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