Monday, August 24, 2020

day no. 15,281: stoop proof

Nehemiah 3:5
And next to them the Tekoites repaired, but their nobles would not stoop to serve their Lord.

There is a difference between being unwilling to stoop regardless of the circumstances and being unwilling to stoop at this moment because other responsibilities require your attention.

The apostles refused to stoop to serve tables because the higher priority to teach and preach what they had seen as eye witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ took precedent. They were not above serving. They were trying to serve in the way only they could. They were throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the difficulties that accompanied the work to which they were called. They were not too proud to stoop, they were too humble to be bullied. They recognized the value of what was being asked by taking the time to assign a group of men to address the tables. This assigning was something only they could do and they took the time to do it and then returned to their work, leaving the deacons to do their work.

To be a noble, servant leader and lord you do not need to bend to every request which comes to you, but not because you are above lowly tasks, but because your attention is busy currently with the higher ones. Nobility does not excuse one from stooping, rather it requires one to stoop before higher obligations.

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