Saturday, August 1, 2020

day no. 15,258: committing adultery on dirty sheets

"When we decide whether or not we are being nice by whether or not the unbelieving establishment says we are being nice, the end result is that we will eventually find ourselves cheek by jowl with the unbelievers in their unbelief. For the sake of winning them, we allow ourselves to be won by them. Just like a simpleton teenage girl, we hope vainly to lure some horny boy into chastity, and the way we think it can be done is by lying down with him in the back seat of a car. What could go wrong?" - Douglas Wilson, European Brain Snakes

Everyone knows posers are lame. Everyone intuitively knows that trying to be cool precludes the very end one is trying to accomplish. In other words, trying to be cool will never be cool. Nothing is more uncool than trying to be cool and being caught trying is the least cool thing imaginable. Mind you, trying to be cool can be and remains quite popular nevertheless.

If we become each and every thing in order to win each and every one, will win no one. Paul believed so staunchly in Jesus that he was willing to reduce his life to that one note, but that one note was not some private space in the upper left hand corner of his head. In other words, he did not do things with his hands that Jesus would forbid in order to win the upper left hand corner of other people's filthy handed bodies. And neither should we. We do not become all things to all men by becoming one with all things and all men. We do not promote the sanctity of marriage by promiscuously sending out invitations to the world to join us in our bed. Even if they accept the invitation, it won't be marital fidelity or a high view of the marriage bed which will be achieved by committing adultery on dirty sheets.

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