Thursday, December 26, 2019

day no. 15,039: homiletical help, week 4: not just any words will do --> CONTEXT

Good morning preachers and teachers of God's Word,

This week I'd like to draw your attention to the words we use to communicate the God's Word to others. 

The first consideration is CONTEXT: when to say what words

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Our words should match our occasions. God's grace is most penetrating when it matches the moment. In other words, God's grace does not often attend slapdashery. 

A solider may have access to many weapons, but the type of engagement will determine which weapon they use. A knife is no good at 3oo yards, but a sniper rifle might do the trick. Conversely, a sniper rifle in close quarters is only useful as a blunt object, but it's functional precision will be nullified by the intimacy of the engagement.  All that to say, some words are better than others depending on the situation.

The charge this week is to avoid generalisms and seek precision. It is easier to use whatever comes to mind in the moment than it is to choose beforehand which words you will use at which moments.

The goal is to give grace to those who hear. Our best efforts should be made to place no additional stumbling block between our speaking and their hearing. The better we fit our words to the occasion, the better they will build, the more likely they will give grace to those willing to hear us.

May God accompany you this week as you prepare your upcoming messages, giving you words from His Word, giving you insight into the context and wisdom to understand the occasion so that our words may do the miraculous in giving grace.

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