Saturday, June 29, 2024

day no. 16,686: the human household is the chief obstacle to all inhuman progress

"Capitalism, of course, is at war with the family, for the same reason which has led to its being at war with the Trade Union. This indeed is the only sense in which it is true that capitalism is connected with individualism. Capitalism believes in collectivism for itself and individualism for its enemies. It desires its victims to be individuals, or (in other words) to be atoms. For the word atom, in its clearest meaning (which is none too clear) might be translated as “individual.” If there be any bond, if there be any brotherhood, if there be any class loyalty or domestic discipline, by which the poor can help the poor, these emancipators will certainly strive to loosen that bond or lift that discipline in the most liberal fashion. If there be such a brotherhood, these individualists will redistribute it in the form of individuals; or in other words smash it to atoms.The masters of modern plutocracy know what they are about. They are making no mistake; they can be cleared of the slander of inconsistency. A very profound and precise instinct has led them to single out the human household as the chief obstacle to their inhuman progress. Without the family we are helpless before the State, which in our modern case is the Servile State. To use a military metaphor, the family is the only formation in which the charge of the rich can be repulsed. It is a force that forms twos as soldiers form fours; and, in every peasant country, has stood in the square house or the square plot of land as infantry have stood in squares against cavalry." -- G.K.Chesterton, The Superstition of Divorce

Families do not fight back. Families fight first. The State is fighting back. The family is a force of nature. The Servile State is an unnatural force. It must impose the unnatural upon the natural in order to eliminate resistance. A family is a resistance movement. It stands on its own. It is, by nature, a force. As such, it stands forever in the way of any attempt to break individual bonds. The State cannot replicate the home. It can motherly nourish them or fatherly discipline them, but it cannot take the place of a mother or father. It cannot turn citizens into children. It cannot, like the Spirit, regenerate. It cannot, like the Wind, turn where it likes and rebirth who it wants. It does not possess omnipotence, so it has to fake it in the form of decadence.

"The family is the little platoon we belong to in society," -- Edmund Burke

The world is at war with the family. It is fighting back against its natural fecundity. This may seem like bad news, but it should serve as a reminder: the family has the upper hand. They wouldn't be mobilizing such energy aimed at its destruction if it was nothing. It is something divinely inspired and empowered. The nuclear family is a nuclear power center and it is high time it starting acting like it.

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