Saturday, June 1, 2024

day no. 16,658: breeding farms for secularists

"With regard to men who have strong opinions about lotsa kids, and equally strong opinions about the need to contribute little after begetting them, I have seen some really unfortunate consequences of this attitude. Such men seem to want to be little more than breeding farms for the secularists." — Douglas Wilson

Inconsistent Christian homes with inattentive Christian dads are sometimes simply breeding farms for secularists. There is no blessing in simply having a lot of anything. Riches can rot and the more the murkier and kids can go bad if abandoned — instead of becoming arrows in one's hand, they can become thorns in everyone's sides.

The secularists cannot breed their own soldiers. They have embraced fruitlessness by being fruity. Two outlets can't make a charge and two nuts can't screw. Nothing they do works and cannot hold together. They cannot have children. But they are more than happy to take yours. 

So stop giving them to them.

If you have strong opinions about the number of children one should have without having strong convictions about the quality of those children, you are merely recruiting rioters. You cannot send your kids to secular boot camp and expect them to come back loyal sons of the Savior. 

The Bible says that children are a blessing. They are not, however, an automatic blessing.  All of your enemies are someone else's children. All the drag queen story hour alphabet mafiosos were begotten by somebody.

So…make more babies, but make them disciples.

Make more arrows.
Do not trust the twigs to sharpen themselves.
Do not send them to the general mill for shaping.
Do not let them become left wing lumber.
Form them at home.
Be sharp and sharpen them.

Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

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