Wednesday, June 26, 2024

day no. 16,683: Callista is SEVEN!!!

Lissa Lou, you are SEVEN years old!

This last year was a turning point for you. You have made a clear transition from little girl to young lady in training. You have grown physically and spiritually. You take on the tasks of a bigger kid when permitted and look for ways to pitch in. You regularly look after Oey, you have learned how to shower, you are learning how to play the piano, you pull out your own wiggley teeth, and more. 

You are a caretaker at heart and love to minister to your siblings when they get boo-boos. You run to get ice packs when I have a headache and ask to help when you see anyone under the weather. You are servant-hearted and kind to those who are sick and injured. You love fixing people and like being helpful.

You have really taken to the twins and love cuddling them and patting them back to sleep. You're a natural. You also love playing with other people's children at church. You frequently seek out littles to carry around. You often have a kid on your hip and a smile on your face. It is a gift from God and it is fun to watch you lean into it. 

You are consistently one of our best eaters. You eat most things that are put on your plate and other than Atticus, you often eat the most food. You drink water instead of milk, but you make up for it in the volume of solid fuel you consume. 

You love to play the piano and have taught yourself how to play. You like watching Penelope and then copying with your fingers what you've seen her do. You have a good ear for music and skilled fingers and coordination in turning the tunes in your head into sounds on the keys.

You love riding your bike. You like to see how fast you can go. You ride around our neighborhood whenever you get the chance. You like to practice tricks like waiving while you whizz by. It's pretty cute and you're pretty good at it.

You love spending time in the backyard with Juniper and Oey playing games, building houses, and getting your little legs tanned. You tag along with the boys when they play airsoft. You like baking with Lolo. You are well-rounded and enjoy jumping in on whatever your siblings happen to be doing.

You like to draw and have a unique style. I like the way you draw faces and the backstories you create for your growing number of characters.

You are a great daughter. You are beautiful and funny and helpful and easy to love. I like being your dad and I look forward to seeing you grow in wisdom, stature, and favor this year.

Love you,


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