Tuesday, June 4, 2024

day no. 16,661: your local, district satan club

“I am opposed to Satan clubs in the government schools because the government schools are a Satan club. Our overarching goal should be to shut down the pretense of neutral education.” — Douglas Wilson, Blog & Mablog 

Neutrality does not exist because everything matters. In a world filled with enmity, nothing is a wash. Everything is either gain or loss, victory or defeat, advance or retreat.

You should oppose a Satan Club starting up in your local school district, but you should do so by not sending your children to be instructed by the Satan Club that is the public school district. The reason Satan Clubs are even permitted is because evil is unrestrained where there is no vision (Pr. 29:18). In other words, where God is not the standard of decorum, no other standard will hold. Where God does not go, anything goes.

Oppose the Satan Club that is your local district government school, whatever clubs they do or do not allow. Begin that opposition by pulling your kids from their rosters. If you've already done that, raise your kids well and teach them to teach their kids to teach their kids to do the same.

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