Thursday, August 29, 2024

day no. 16,747: Laurelai is ELEVEN

Happy Birthday, Lolo!

You are a beautiful, smart, funny, young lady and I love being your dad.

Here is a list of things I like about you:

I like it when you and Penelope sing harmony.

I like when you pop my toes before bed.

I like listening to you pray every night.

I like your long hair.

I like your smile.

I like how much love to bake.

I like that you are particular about food and have refined taste.

I like that you like Baldwin IV.

I like that you love bolt action rifles.

I like that you are a good big sister.

I like that you are a good little sister.

I like seeing all the crafts you make.

I like your sense of humor.

I like watching you help Oey potty train.

I like that you make tuna for lunch.

I like your hugs.

I like seeing you have fun with your friends at church and at Psalm sings.

I like how much you love Snake Eyes.

I like your drawings.

I like how much you like Story Club.

I like being your dad.

I love you, Lolo.

Happy Birthday!

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