Wednesday, August 7, 2024

day no. 16,725: the whole world to ourselves

"Is it not true that Christianity was meant to conquer the whole world for Christ? Yes it is. We have already said that we think of Christian theism, when we think of Christianity. That covers the whole earth. If we can successfully defend the fortress of Christian theism we have the whole world to ourselves. There is then no standing room left for the enemy. We wage offensive as well as defensive warfare. The two cannot be separated. But we need not leave the fort in order to wage offensive warfare.” — Cornelius Van Til, In The Intellectual Battle, Apologetics Coordinates and Forewarns

All of Christ's enemies are being assembled as His footstool. They, therefore, have no leg to stand on, but will only be stood upon. Christ's feet will step on their necks. There is no foundation for them to stand on. The ones who do not keep Christ's commands, remember, are like sinking sand. They cannot endure the coming of His Kingdom. The flood of the knowledge of the glory of God overwhelms their strongholds and the collapse of their greatness is great. When they clash with Christ their crash is catastrophic.

The meek with have the world to themselves. There is no future for the froward. The entire earth is the Lord's, so wherever we go, we have the home court advantage. There is no standing room for the enemy. Therefore, when we go out to take the fight to him, we don't have to leave the fort to do so. We never have to forfeit the comfort of His presence to fight the presence of the enemy. We live under His dominion wherever we go to dominate. The Christian never plays away games. He is always at home wherever he fights, for God is his fortress and His fortifications encompass everything.

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