Monday, September 27, 2021

day no. 15,680: faith insists except for when it doesn't

Job 13:15-16
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:
but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
He also shall be my salvation:
for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

Faith insists on being saved. It believes without reservation that salvation belongs to the Lord and that He gives it freely to those who trust themselves to Him. This means that difficulty and even death are no obstacle to God's promises. He will save and faith believes it, not because of its presence, but because of His, not because it believes in itself, but because it believes in Him, not because it has faith in faith, but because it has faith in God. Faith insists on salvation from condemnation.

Faith does not insist on being saved. It believes without reservation that situations belong to the Lord and that He withholds no good from those who trust Him. This means that difficulty and even death may be what is best, but faith does not begrudge God this divine right, but rather invites it and places its hope, not in spite of it, but in it directly. Faith does not insist on salvation from circumstances or rather believes that salvation is not a matter of being pulled out of difficulty, but pulled up whatever difficulties get you down.

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