Friday, September 24, 2021

day no. 15,677 continued... the thermostate

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

It is a common occurrence. People fight over the thermostat. Someone prefers the room a little cooler while another has a blanket across their lap shivering. This struggle routinely takes place in the office and in the home. We work around it, dealing with less than ideal temperatures when necessary by wearing a sweater or having a fan on. We make it work.

But we have now entered a day and age where the state wants to play dad and adjust the thermostat to their liking, let us call it the Thermostate. They want to set the temperature for the rest of the world and they want the freedom to complain about the temperature of the sun. They've said that they're going to take it up with upper management. In the meantime, since they can't get that pesky Sun-owner to cool His jets, they are planning on unleashing a torrent of rules and regulations to do their part to manage the way we experience the sun's heat. 

They've previously demonstrated this proclivity in deciding for the world how many germs or how much sickness it tolerable, let's call that the germostat. They presume to have their finger on that temperature too. They are monitoring it constantly and checking over our labs as we speak. They say they'll get back to us, but in the meantime we're sit in the waiting room... patiently so to speak.

Let's be clear: Chovid and Climate change are the latest and greatest power grab in the ultimate pissing match over world's thermostat. Whether it be the number of germs in the air and our perception of them or the number of degrees over our heads and our perception of them, the State is making it's move to be what God has already claimed: sovereign.

“Once abolish the God and the government becomes the God.” - G.K. Chesterton

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