Saturday, September 25, 2021

day no. 15,678: we die daily

"Throughout Scripture, sleeping is a type and image of death (e.g., 1 Cor. 11:30; 15:51), and it follows from this that waking up in the morning is an image of the resurrection. God knows that we are slow to grasp this lesson of death and resurrection, this daily reminder of His ultimate intention for us, and so He goes over the lesson again and again.

...Every day is a miniature life. Every day follows a pattern, and has a story arc, and if you live faithfully in the course of each day, you will be learning the very best way to go to sleep. For someone who works as he ought to, going to sleep is one of the most glorious experiences God gives to us. This should teach us about the death of God’s saints, and why God considers a faithful death precious. But this only works if the day is fruitful, and not squandered or frittered away in laziness and sin. And waking in the morning with the hope of a full day before us is even better than going to sleep was. But of course, this daily training program is only possible through Jesus Christ. He helps us form each daily letter on the page so that by the end of our lives, we will have written the larger story He has for us." - Douglas Wilson, Bone of My Bones

Every day is an entire life lived in microcosm. Our lives are made up of our days and our days are like an entire life lived. We wake up as though born as the light erupts on the horizon, we live as though alive as the light marches across the sky and we lay ourselves down as the light descends and the darkness again covers the landscape. We wake in Christian gratitude for being born again yet another day. We live in Christian faith for the day we've been given. We lay down in Christian hope of the resurrection and entrusting our day’s work to His forgiveness for our shortcomings and to His righteousness as our blanket.

Ephesians 5:14
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

We die daily. But we also rise daily to new mercy and a reminder that He has conquered the grave. We have this daily reminder of His birth, life, death and resurrection on our behalf on display in our days. May we by grace and in faith appreciate this daily lesson and have our hearts full of "Thank You" as we live lives full of faithfulness and lay them down nightly entrusting our souls to the God of resurrection hope and glory, world without end... and amen!

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