Saturday, March 27, 2021

day no. 15,496: in all respects a sinner

I was comforted while reading Clement's second letter the other day, when I read this,

2 Clement 18:1-2
Let us, therefore, be of those who give thanks, of those who have served God, and not of the ungodly who are judged. For I myself, being in all respects a sinner, and not having yet escaped temptation, but being still in the midst of the snares of the devil, yet endeavour to follow after righteousness, that I may be able, at any rate, to be near it, fearing the judgment to come.

In the confession of the saints, I see camaraderie. They too, were sinners, but sinners striving to live in light of their salvation. They were not complacent with their sin, but striving against it, yet confident in Christ to believe themselves saved while still sinning. And it's not as though Clement here is merely confessing to a particular character flaw of some insignificant manner, but rather to the fact that he is a sinner in all respects. In word, thought and deed he falls short and by grace strives in gratitude to honor Christ for having saved a sinner like himself. Amen, brother.

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