Monday, March 22, 2021

day no. 15,492: word without end, amen!

In completing Clement's first epistle to the Corinthians, I came across a phrase he repeats ten times,

1 Clement 32:4, 38:4, 43:6, 45:7, 45:8, 50:7, 58:2, 61:3, 64:1, 65:2
World without end. Amen.

When God made the world, He introduced a second world into existence. Prior to the world, there was nothing... but God. There was Him and nothing else. Once He made something, He introduced a new world. There was now God and not God. There were now two realities and into the second one, He sent His Son. Jesus became incarnate as He took on flesh and became part of the second reality, the second world, while retaining all the qualities of the first within Him. So during His lifetime, the two worlds kissed. He came to introduce eternal life into the world of death, eternal reality into the land of surreality, and the ancient world into the one eroding. He introduced resurrection power into the land of rust and decay.

Gloria Patri
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, and now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

The world of the Triune God is without end. And by His grace He has infused into ours a hope of redemption. By His grace in His power and for His glory, the erosion will not eradicate it all, but will merely refine what is left for what God establishes eternally for us. This world is very much in one sense, passing away, but in another sense, it is only just begun.

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