Monday, February 15, 2021

day no. 15,456: fun in the sun and nothing behind either one

"The practical result of this vacuum in values is hedonism. When you do not know why you do anything else, you can still 'grab the gusto,' 'seize the day.' When ultimate ends disappear, toys remain." -- Peter Kreeft, Three Philosophies of Life

If we ignore the deeps, the shallows do not disappear. If we refuse to dive, we still bob at the surface. When telos is abandoned, toys are still embraced. They are all that's left -- fun in the sun and nothing behind or beyond either one.

Without ultimate ends, practical means become the be all end all. If there is no reason for anything, there remains an urge to do some things. If we insist that there are no governing principles outside the sun, we cannot resist the governing ones inside us. If there is no outside advice, then we are left to look inward for cues which quickly devolves into hedonism. If all there is is what  we can see, there is nothing left outside of us to say anything and what's on our insides will have the final say.

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