Wednesday, July 1, 2020

day no. 15,277 continued... alphabetical areas of interest

be interested... stay interesting.

Alacrity (Parable in Mt 21 of two sons, neither with alacrity)
Andy Griffith (been watching through show together with family in evenings)
Army Ants on a Log (Saturday Dadurday lunchtime fun!)
API 28 (have exam next week, praying to pass with little sass)
Atomic Habits (food for thought on what makes ya move and how to move what you do)
Black and Tan (recently re-read, great insights, paradigm challenging/shifting)
Black Lives Matter (mulling over the madness that is weaponized guilt-mongering)
Black Rifle Coffee (Josh Miller got us some, good stuff!)
Buckingham's (began having on Saturday nights)
Callista (she is officially a three-nager, though she's been one for a while now, Lord love her)
Chalkboard Drawing (put monthly ideas on calendar)
Church and Community (what does that look like during social distancing/isolation?)
Clair De Lune (listening; referenced by N.D. Wilson as one of his grandpa Jim's favorites)
Coffee and Cash (still going strong on Saturday mornings! current fav "I'm Leaving Now!")
Courageous (received movie for Father's Day, now part of our tradition)
COVID-19 (the flu with better PR)
C.S. Lewis (growing in appreciation for him through reading and rereading his writings)

Danger (lots of rhetoric being produced to make us feel unsafe, in danger lately)
Down with the House of Hanover! (Fourth of July liturgical addition)
Economy (waiting to see if it can recover and which business won't make it)
Education (developing more proactive desire to see Christians pull kids from public ed)
Eldering (added Matt and Scott to team with Stan and myself, excited to grow as team)

Election (thinking ahead and wondering what that will look like this Fall)
Fatherhood (been thinking a lot about God, my Father)

FDR's D-Day Prayer (heard for first time this year, good stuff)
Federal Husband (finally getting around to reading, enjoying the ride, liking the challenge)
For Today (enjoying their church militant, postmillennial metalcore optimism)

George Floyd (wondering about that trial/decision and what that will look like)
Goldfinger (been fun getting reacquainted with them thru their quarantine videos)

Hezekiah (thinking a lot lately about his weak end and lack of vision/concern for his progeny)
Ice Cream (Friday night standard after Pizza, reading DT 6:1-9)
Intermittent Fasting (18 months of 20:4 fasting with a 5-9 feeding window)

Ireland (missionary friends hinting we should consider move)
It's Friday! (sing along with "If You Want Blood" every Friday night with Pizza!)
July! (introducing singing July, July! by Decemberists and July by Ryan Seiler on the Fourth)
Kingdom Come (praying for it to come, not go; sooner than later, world without end, amen!)
Legacy (been thinking a lot about doing as much as possible to propel kids ahead)
Lord of the Rings (read Hobbit and began Fellowship for the first time respectively)

Man of the House (excited to read Wiley's book and mull over productive property)
Manhood (realizing more and more that I feel like a boy among men)
Masks (praying these don't become a mandatory thing)
Medieval (wanting to learn more about being more medieval instead of modern)
Men of Issachar (praying God provides us with enough to sway the day)
Marxism (watching 20 somethings have a collective temper tantrum in pushing for this)
Milk and Honey (the promised land is a place with perfect udders and combs)
N.D. Wilson (read first non-fiction (Notes from Tilt O Whirl) and LOVED it!!!)
New Saint Andrews (loving their new commercials/ad campaign)
Normal (remembering what normal used to look like and wondering if we'll see it again)

Of Monsters and Men (enjoying getting acquainted with their catalog)
Panic (it's been odd adjusting to a world where panic reigns and rules)
Pilgrim's Regress (listening to Lewis' masterpiece a second time on audiobook)
Pull up bar (since working from home, doing lots more pull ups
Qualified (working on Gal 6:1, being motivated when qualified, qualified when motivated)
Qualified pt. 2 (contemplating fits of rage and quarrelsome as areas of sin I need to kill)
Reading (on pace to read 300 books in 2020, my new goal)

Right Flight (will blue states be abandoned for redder pastures? hope so!)
S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. Night! (sing along with Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting)
Six Feet (how has this become a thing? besides impractical, it's illogical)
Spurgeon (reading Lectures reaffirms respect for vocational pastor and desire not to be one)
Teaching Schedule (looking to reduce load as lay elder this Fall)
That Hideous Strength (Lewis was on point with this one, excited to read again soon)
Two service (preparing to preach my first two service Sunday on the 5th of July)
UFC (been watching some best of videos lately: KOs, Connor McGregor, etc...)
Utah (church planting friends hinting we should consider move)
Vacation (getting excited to spend a week in South Dakota later this summer)
Vaccination (wondering if COVID once developed and Flu will become mandatory?)
Washington, D.C. (wondering if that vacation will still happen)
Weapon (Shelter Agent encouraging me to consider handgun)
Working Remotely (loving it since mid-March, won't go back unless I'm required)
Xenophilia (wondering if the faithful we be required to be strangers in strange land, exiles)
Yes! (working on being like God in the garden before the Fall, limit "No's," increase "Yes's")
Zoom (now a household name and way to "meeting" with people)

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