Monday, July 13, 2020

day no. 15,239: trigger warning

"We, in Hell, would welcome the disappearance of democracy in the strict sense of that word, the political arrangement so called. Like all forms of government, it often works to our advantage, but on the whole less often than other forms. And what we must realize is that 'democracy' in the diabolical sense (I’m as good as you, Being Like Folks, Togetherness) is the fittest instrument we could possibly have for extirpating political democracies from the face of the earth.

For 'democracy' or the 'democratic spirit' (diabolical sense) leads to a nation without great men, a nation mainly of subliterates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first sign of criticism. And that is what Hell wishes every democratic people to be. For when such a nation meets in conflict a nation where children have been made to work at school, where talent is placed in high posts, and where the ignorant mass are allowed no say at all in public affairs, only one result is possible.

The democracies were surprised lately when they found that Russia had got ahead of them in science. What a delicious specimen of human blindness! If the whole tendency of their society is opposed to every sort of excellence, why did they expect their scientists to excel?" - C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Peoples who embrace the world the way that God made it will always excel over those who attempt to remake the world in their own image. Countries that pass laws against gravity can expect to be overtaken in time by those who use the force of gravity like a hammer to smash them into pieces. While it is possible to abuse the way God made the world by wielding it for ungodly gain, it is impossible for those who refuse the way God made the world to shield themselves with theirs from ungodly advance.

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