Sunday, January 13, 2019

day no. 14,692: complementarianism and counter-punching

All this talk of complementarianism and chauvinism got me to thinking…. 

If the pejorative term for being Biblical through and through is "chauvinist," the pejorative term for wanting to be thought of as Biblical while feeling the freedom to promote unbiblical ideas with respect to complementarianism should be called, "Masochism."

Let me explain. What would you call the paying and promotion of a woman to the position of being your master, applauding her for their handling of the whip and congratulating yourself for your humility? Read that job description back as many times as you like, but there's no way around it sounding like a world drenched in leather and domination. If you don't think that's masochism, then you need masochism lessons.... which i DO NOT recommend: the previous lashes do not seem to have left an impression. The only difference here is that masochism typically, like cockroaches, thrives in the dark, but this new play is being run out in broad daylight. Most masochists at least recognize that this kind of behavior is best left tot the shadows, while these new, enlightened whipsters have the audacity to do this sort of thing for everyone else to see (Eph 5:12) turning a private shame into a public debacle. And all the while expecting to be greeted by fanfare and a tickertape parade (Rom 1:32).

You might say, "that sounds over the top and intentionally hyperbolic in order to make a point," to which I may respond, "compromising positions often do not sound less compromising when described by those who have the benefit of not currently being bent over. It looks different from a standing position than it does from a kneel."

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