Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thoughts from "The Cost of Following Jesus"

At Men's BASIC this morning Pastor Troy showed this video HERE by Francis Chan.

It is a good reminder that following Jesus requires something. It is a commitment. It is a departure of one thing and a devotion to another. There are certain things one must do in order to be a disciple according to Jesus: hate your brother, sister, mother, father, and even your own life. There are certain things one cannot do and still considered a disciple as well: go only halfway, turn back, and follow only part of His teaching.

Francis Chan gives us a powerful reminder of the cost of discipleship. This is mentioned many times in the Gospels by Jesus. A book of the same title, The Cost of Discipleship, by Bonhoeffer is also a good read.

Most of all when watching this video I thought about how cowardly and weak I often am and how difficult the words of Jesus are to put into practice. I know that I cannot in my own person muster up the courage and devotion required to do all that Jesus commands. That does not excuse my inability to obey them, however. I am to blame. My nature and my choices have rendered me impotent with regard to divine command.

I pray that Jesus would equip me to abandon that which He calls me to crucify. I also pray He would equip me to love and embrace that which He calls me to sanctify. I cannot do it on my own. I would not choose the right things.

I would kill that which He loves and love that for which He was killed. This is my story. This is my song.

I love Jesus. I want to love Jesus more. I need Jesus to help me love Jesus more.

There is much to be said about election, security, confidence, and imputation with regard to the way I ought to feel about God and my relationship with Him because of what Jesus has done. But there is much also to be said for that which Jesus calls His disciples to in order to make their calling and election sure.

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