Monday, July 29, 2024

day no. 16,716: to have stood

"Armor is heavy, yet it is a proud burden, and a man standeth straight in it."  Mark Twain

While Jesus once famously invited us to ease the burden of our yokes by plowing ahead with Him, He did not, in doing so, do away with burdens altogether. Again, Christ's call was not one of being done with yokes, but of having His assistance in shouldering them. For those who were not used to being under any yoke or weight of responsibility, His invitation would have seemed like MORE work, not LESS.

Lamentations 3:27
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.

It is good to wear heavy armor. It is a pain in the neck and back, of course, but it encourages one to stand straighter. A stiffened spine softens the pain points. The less chafed the man in the armor the less chafing from it he receives.

"It's the empty wagon that rattles."  Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse

Men without burdens are more free to laze about, but no one can assuage their cries of boredom. An empty wagon squeals and whines with every pebble in the way. A loaded wagon settles down and bickers less about minor inconveniences.

Men were meant to carry weight. Sore shoulders stand up straighter. The glory of a man is wearing his burden well. He is eager to carry his burden as his prize. He is pleased to stand and proud to have stood.

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