Friday, July 19, 2024

day no. 16,706: current events

"'After bread, the need of the people is knowledge,' said Danton. Knowledge is now a monopoly, and comes through to the citizens in thin and selected streams, exactly as bread might come through to a besieged city. Men must wish to know what is happening, whoever has the privilege of telling them. They must listen to the messenger, even if he is a liar."  G.K. Chesterton, Utopia of Usurers

The legacy Media is a knowledge cartel. It makes the news and pushes it on others. It attempts to knock off anyone else attempting to work the same block. It controls the means of production and distribution. It is a manufacturer of news, not a reporter of it. It wants you caught up in the power of their current events. That stream is a lazy river that flows steadily and begs its Tubers to take it easy and enjoy the ride.

But what are people to do? As Chesterton points out, people need information. They need to know what's going on. The people are the hands and feet who need the eyes to see on their behalf. But what is the heart supposed to do when the eyes lie? It cannot help but beat faster. If we cannot trust our eyes, we cannot see. We can rely on other senses in hopes of getting a read on what's out there, but we'll have to adapt as a blind man. We can put our ears to the ground or smell for something fishy, but we cannot see.

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision,
the people cast off restraint.

When people can't see they grope or go bonkers, but either way they grab on to whatever they can get their hands on and let go of whatever they used to know.

So, is all hope then lost? Certainly not.

2 Corinthians 5:7
We walk by faith, not by sight.

Christian, we do not begin by reading the world, we begin by reading the Word. If you look at the world and what is sold as the top stories, you will look around in dismay. But if you look to the Word and then look up and then look around, you can read the world. You can know the times and know what to do like the men of Issachar of old. We should not read what see on screen into the Word, rather we should be reading the Word into what we see on our screens. Our outlook ought not to be crowd sourced. It ought to be the Source.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it."  G.K. Chesterton

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