Monday, July 1, 2024

day no. 16,688: alphabetical areas of interest list July 2024

"There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people."
— G.K. Chesterton

Interested people are interesting people.
Be interested... stay interesting.

Airsoft battles (went to first Christy battle in KC then one at Chip's)
Aquafresh (funny YouTube channel)
Atticus working (Fridays/Saturdays on the farm, our first working kid)
Baldwin IV (Lolo loved him in Kingdom of Heaven)
Baptisms (Knox and Eulalie scheduled to be baptized on July 7, 2024)
Based (a better way to be)
Bedrooms (big girls moved to basement)
Bentellect (YouTuber reading memes we've stumbled upon)
Bottle Rockets (added to the 4th this year and excited to do again next year)
Canon+ (subscription ran out, would like to renew when we can afford it)
Cantus (in the 600s and loving it)
Cigars (Atticus bought me some for Father's Day)
Date night (bigget kids make it possible to go out on dates with Paige)
Drywall (completed my first dry walling in basement big girl's room)
Eulalie Day (born May 18.2024)
Family table (still doing weekly round up before Wade Show and movie on Sundays)
Field Trip (not looking forward to planning and going out on this for the first time this Fall)
Fight Laugh Feast (not going to Dallas this year, can't afford it and get FLF every week at CCL)
Friday movies (every 3rd Friday w/ bigger kids began watching more grown up movies)
Goldie (need to get up and running for Paige and kids to use
Handy (achievement earned: learned how to drywall)
Headaches (have had a really good stretch since twins born and back to work without bad one)
Intermittent Fasting (still working really well for me, 20/4 M-SAT)
Jail (got put in Meta-klink after crossing 14k and having one reel reach 3.5 million)
Kingdom of Heaven (watched director's cut for first time with kids)
Knox Nolen Reuel (born May 18, 2024)
Lawn mowing (Atticus has a growing business)
Linkin Park (remix album has been a hit with the kids)
Lord of the Flies (reading with kids for Story Club)
Mind (I've been more distracted than usual lately, a bit foggy since twins were born)
November (excited for No Quarter and another election)
Out to Eat (hardly ever get fast food anymore)
Postmillitant (crossed 12k followers)
Postmillitant (1st reel with 1 million views)
Pound sand (great phrase I'm looking to use more often)
Quarters (noticing lots of quarter left in carts at Aldi lately)
Raise (got my annual merit increase in March)
Rey Mysterio, Jr (Lolo loves him, but NOT Dominic)
Sermon prep (was asked to preach on 9/29/24 at CCL: open fifth Sunday slot)
Skittles (Penelope's favorite REV FC character)
Substack (just started so StoicChristian could share -- we'll see where tat goes)
Surprise sister (we were expecting our 9th and got an unexpected 10th)
Swamp Sniper (kids have gotten into watching these airsoft events on YouTube)
Taco Spaghetti (new dinner favorite)
Taylor Nikolai (YouTuber we've enjoyed watching)
Ten Thousand (recently crossed 10k on IG for Postmillitant)
Twins (excited for a bunch of firsts)
Two-step verification (required now that I have 10k followers on IG)
Ulysses (thought about for Knox, but couldn't get passed most famous namesake)
Vacation (still having to use it or lose it with as much as I have accrued 208ish hrs)
Vacation (not sure if we will take a vacation this year since we just had twins)
Wade Show (enjoy weekly watch with the family before movie night on Sundays)
WWE (watching clips of Rey Mysterio)
Xtra (work was been busy lately with lots of extra)
Your Month (videos Finneas likes of months battling)
Zzzs (getting a surprisingly good amount of sleep considering two newborns)

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