Saturday, July 1, 2023

day no. 16,322 continued... alphabetical areas of interest list July 2023

"There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people."
- G.K. Chesterton

Interested people are interesting people.
Be interested... stay interesting.

Aggressively Optimistic (secondary catch phrase for Postmillitant)
AR (hopefully sooner rather than later)
Assertive (need to learn how to ask for what I want while leaving others to say no)
Atticus (he is 14 and officially taller than me)
Babylon Bee (love watching new vids with the kids)
Beard (still growing, longest I've ever had)
Beard hair (have bad habit of pulling scragglers sometimes)
Be Blessed... Or Else (catch phrase for Postmillitant)
Beta male (these skills come to me more naturally than alpha ones)
Bible Read Through Challenge (completed first one back in May)
Bikes (kids love riding on our street in the evening)
Billboard (excited to see Christ is Lord billboard go up in Leavenworth August 7th)
Birth certificate (KS DOT said not a valid certificate)
Boniface (celebrated our first with reading and twig pencils)
Books (back on track for 300 after getting behind going through GKC catalog)
Brandishing (excited about some of the logos I've made for Postmillitant)
Canon+ (got this as a Christmas gift and have been LOVING it)
Cantus (enjoying reading through it devotional style)
Case of Christian Nationalism (looking to read for the first time soon)
Christ is Lord boxes (ordered 10 to secure billboard in Leavenworth)
Cigars (getting the hang of 'em and ordered a second sampler batch)
Clean up (been staying to help clean up after service each week)
Coffee (brewing a pot once a day between me and Paige)
Coffee (drink a cup of two of black coffee between 12p-3p)
Disciple (new album, Skeleton Psalms, is pretty good!)
Dishwasher (wrestled with it and hoping new piece will fix it and stop the leaking)
Doug Wilson (recently turned 70, excited to see what speaking his minds looks like)
Drive thru (going to start ordering)
Dude Perfect (love watching new vids w/ family when published)
Exercise (need to get back into regular habit of working out from home)
Faucet (kitchen sink will not stay tight)
Fellowship (enjoying staying after each week to eat, talk, and let kids play)
Fight Laugh Feast Conference (details locked down for this October)
Fight Laugh Feast Magazine (working on possible article submission)
Firepit (fired this up for first time over Memorial Day)
Fireworks (need to get some for the Fourth)
Girard, Rene (need to read some of his stuff)
Goldie (need to get new battery and oil change, then register)
Handy (need to learn how to be more handy for Paige)
Headaches (have had a really good stretch of avoiding migraines)
Indigo (not in the pride flag)
Inheritance (praying to live long enough to secure this for my kids)
Intermittent Fasting (still going hard on the 20/4 sans Sunday)
Instant Regret (been watching with Paige at night)
Jenny Geddes (looking fwd to celebrating our first w/ water balloons)
June for Jesus (wrapping up monthly campaign for Postmillitia)
Kentucky (looking fwd to visiting in October, never stayed, only driven thru)
Lawncare (Atticus has been having fun mowing some lawns)
Leavenworth (wonder who else might move here: Gideon, Josiah, Kendall?)
Liturgy (loving the shape our weekend liturgies are taking on)
LOTR (in book 4 of The Two Towers for Story Club)
Lucky People (been watching compilations of these w/ kids at night)
Martime Stories (discovered these four fun reads from Douglas Wilson)
Men's Beer n Books (been LOVING these on the first Fridays of each month)
Men's Movie Night (LOVE that Aaron introduced this bi-monthly)
Milk (still making weekly trips for raw milk)
Mom and Dad (looking fwd to seeing in August, it's been nearly a year)
Money (praying God continues to provide during expensive times to be alive)
Nate Bargatze (watched stand up as family, very funny!)
Nightlocks (install)
NLT (reading Paige's old Bible for Same Page Summer)
NQN (reading through old anthologies in preparation for this November)
The Office (watching through again with Paige at night)
Operation Fiscal Jackhammer (monthly review of checkbook w/ kids)
Ophelia (excited to hear her talk and see her walk soon)
Outdoor dining (have taken table and chairs outside a few times)
Ozymandias (need to circle back to some of these classic poems)
Persuasions (excited to read this Wilson book with kids at dinner time)
Pipe (Laurelai got one of these for me for Father's Day)
Pipe Tobacco (bought some online, smells like I remember... sooo good!)
Playlist (Sabbath clean up playlist is a fan favorite each week)
Popcorn Party (still rock one of these once a month on family movie night)
Postmillitant (up to 2,720 followers) (Peter is working on rolling out soon)
Prayer (in a good groove for others, but need better routine for covering Paige/kids)
Preaching (Hadley seems to think I should be on the rotation)
Psalms (loving these more and more as we learn more and more)
Psalm Sing (monthly Psalm Sing is a family favorite)
Publishing (Peter has mentioned possibility of starting publishing)
Quarantine (new proofs continue to demonstrate it did NOTHING but damage)
Reformation Day (Excited for this year's festivities, hoping for Toby)
Re:treat (monthly chance to have treat a second time)
Roe (one year anniversary of overturn of this wicked ruling)
Rushdoony (read my first Rushdoony recently)
Sabbath Dinner (continues to be a weekly highlight)
Same Page Summer (first time participating, all kids doing it as well)
Shinedown (been getting acquainted with their back catalog with the kids)
Sleep (been having trouble intermittently in getting to sleep)
Snake (filled a huge black snake that was camped under our deck)
Story Club (been working our way slowly through LOTR)
Strategic Withdrawal (may take hiatus from Postmillitant if not to 2,750 by 7/1/23)
Swimming lessons (kids back at it after a few  years off)
Temper (need help from God to get a better grip on my quick anger)
Utility (need to learn how to do more things/have more skills: girls like guys with skills)
Vacation (at the use it or lose it stage of having stored up so much)
Vacation to Custer (on the books for Aug. 24th)
Wade Show (new show in Canon+ we watch every Sunday before movie night)
Warrior Poet Society (John Lovell videos on being better prepared)
Wear Your Faith (staple on my Instagram stories)
Weekly Wrap Up (also watch these from CrossPolitic on Sunday as a family when available)
Weezer (enjoying getting reacquainted with them and being introduced to many new songs)
Weight (clothes still fit and feel decent in my skin, but could stand to lose 5 lbs of so)
Womens' Singing (hosted our first church event at our place)
eXasperated (been getting flustered easily lately, need to grow in long-suffering)
Yes (need to be more like God in providing a world with more yes's and less no's)
Yuengling's (now distributing in MO and KS)
Zzzz's (intermittent difficulty in getting to sleep)

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