Wednesday, September 14, 2022

day no. 16,032: capitalization

"God has implanted in mankind also all that is necessary to enable it to accomplish its destinies... Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, and their chains, and their hooks, and their pincers! Away with their artificial methods! Away with their social laboratories, their governmental whims, their centralization, their tariffs, their universities, their State religions, their inflationary or monopolizing banks, their limitations, their restrictions, their moralizations, and their equalization by taxation! And now, after having vainly inflicted upon the social body so many systems, let them end where they ought to have begun—reject all systems, and try liberty—liberty, which is an act of faith in God and in His work." - Frederic Bastiat, The Law

Liberty is an act of faith in God. It takes self-control to leave other people alone and to conduct yourself in such a way as to not inspire the interjection of others. But self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't come naturally, only supernaturally. The impulse is to interfere and to utilize the government to force others to be or do what you prefer. But in God's economy, rights are given to His people by Him and government is set in place to ensure no one else takes those rights from them and to punish any attempt to do so as evil. Government in God's world can be small because He is big. In a world boxing God out, it is not surprising to the see size of the State swollen. Gods must be large and in charge and if you ignore the capital G (God), you will seek to capitalize the lowercase one (government). Every people appeals to their Capital. 

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