Sunday, September 11, 2022

day no. 16,029: a socialist makes laws the way a capitalist makes widgets

"You would oppose law to socialism. But it is the law that socialism invokes. It aspires to legal, not extralegal plunder. It is of the law itself, like monopolists of all kinds, that it wants to make an instrument; and when once it has the law on its side, how will you be able to turn the law against it? How will you place it under the power of your tribunals, your gendarmes, and of your prisons? What will you do then? You wish to prevent it from taking any part in the making of laws. You would keep it outside the Legislative Palace. In this you will not succeed, I venture to prophesy, so long as legal plunder is the basis of the legislation within." - Frederic Bastiat, The Law

If any socialist principle of legal plunder is adopted by a system, it will be impossible for that system to resist being entirely overrun by socialism further down the line.

Capitalism is the freedom to make and to sell, to buy and to keep. Crapitalism (socialism in seed form) is the tyranny of making laws which make the making, selling, buying, and keeping of things more difficult, if not impossible. Craptialism doesn't make or manufacture anything except laws. It produces in legislation what Capitalism produces in widgets. It makes red tape and bills and acts and amendments, but nothing of substance. It still depends on someone else to make things. In fact, it now insists that they do, it's one of their new laws. And the fines for not conforming are just another revenue stream for them. Crapitalism survives off of taxes and fines for non-compliance. This is what the ol' fashioned used to call, "slavery," only now it is marketed under the guise of "liberty" because of the benefits package it secures for its servants.

A socialist makes laws the way a capitalist makes widgets.

Beware of those who spend their time and energy making laws and making it harder for anyone else to spend their time and energy freely making, selling, buying, and keeping things.

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