Monday, September 12, 2022

day no. 16,030: ye the sheople

"One of the strangest phenomena of our time, and one that will probably be a matter of astonishment to our descendants, is the doctrine which is founded upon this triple hypothesis: the radical passiveness of mankind,— the omnipotence of the law,—the infallibility of the legislator: this is the sacred symbol of the party that proclaims itself exclusively democratic." - Frederic Bastiat, The Law

In other words, modern democratic policy presupposes that people won't think, act, or speak how they're supposed to without laws that compel them to think, act, or speak as they should. Therefore legislation must include incentives for proper thoughts, actions, and communications; and penalties for improper thoughts, actions, or communications. Those with the power to pass laws know what is best for us as to where we ought to be going and how best to get us there. This unholy trinity of presuppositions is nothing new. It is alive and well and killing liberty left and right. pun intended)

1. the radical passiveness of mankind: no one knows what is best for them self.

(and by "no one" the legislators conveniently exempt themselves, meaning "no one else" knows)

2. the omnipotence of the law: laws should be made that force people toward what is best for them.

(and by "people" the legislators again exempt themselves, meaning "other people")

3. the infallibility of the legislator: our laws will liberate you from previous laws.

(and by "liberate” they mean "enslave” to our new laws)

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