Wednesday, April 28, 2021

day no. 15,528: God is not male, but He is masculine.

"To God we are all feminine... In the Song of Songs it must be the groom and not the bride who symbolizes God, the bride and not the groom who symbolizes the soul. God impregnates the soul, not vice versa. That is the deepest reason why throughout the Bible the human image for God is male, never female. It is only an image, of course, and not literal... But the image images something, and that something is the relationship that the inventors of these images experienced: they all experienced God as the husband of the soul. The fact that God spiritually impregnates us and not vice versa, the fact that God creates new life in us and not vice versa, and the fact that God comes into us and not vice versa, cannot be changed any more than the fact that a man impregnates a woman and not vice versa can be changed. No matter how much we rant and rave, we cannot change the essential, eternal laws of the very structure of reality to conform to our latest ideological fashions and fancies." -- Peter Kreeft, Three Philosophies of Life

God is masculinity to the nth degree. He is He. He is Groom. He is Husband. He is Father. The church is never the husband, never proposing marriage, never the source of the seed. It is the one receiving the ring, the proposal and the seed and into its womb life is placed.

We do not conquer God, He conquers us and then bids us conquer in His Name and for His sake. He does not take upon Himself our name, we take His. He does not change His mailing address, we change ours. He does not join our mission, we join His. He does not enlist in our infantry, we enlist in His

He does not curtsy, He bows. We curtsy. He is not courted, He courts and we are courted. We do not carry Him across the threshold of our lives, He carries us over into His. We do not open doors for Him, He opens them for us. We do not protect Him, He protects us. We do not provide for Him, He provides for us. We do not pay the bill, He does. We do not walk on the road side of the sidewalk, He does. We do not labor that He may gain anything, He works that we might have everything. He does not carry our children in Him, we carry His in us. He does not wait until we get home, we are told to wait up for Him. He is not disciplined by us, we are disciplined by Him. 

This is not merely a sexist insinuation echoing out of ancient, backwards texts, but a existential necessity embodied in the eternal reality of the living God. All of these customs reinforce a particular reality. There is a reason a man does not take his wife's last name. There is a reason that a man penetrates and that women have penetrable places and wombs like soil ready to receive seeds. There is a reason that men take out the trash and women do the dishes. It isn't merely erected from social construction, but built upon eternal foundation.

There is a reason He is a He. He is not parent, but Father. He is not spouse, but Husband. God is masculine. He is not male, but masculine. He does not have a body, but when He rented one, He wore a male one. He rented a tuxedo, not a prom dress. But not because He is male. He is spirit. But because He is so masculine, there is no other image He could have worn to communicate Himself to His creation.

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