Sunday, April 4, 2021

day no. 15,504: triperspectivalism revisted

Prophet - Eternal
Priest - Experiential
King - Situational

Each disposition acts from a certain point of reference. The reason the prophet cannot help but ask, "But is it true?" is because their reference point is eternal, located in the truth that exists outside of all places and times, anchored in Sovereignty as its source. The reason the priest cannot help but ask, "But how does it impact people?" is because their reference point is experiential, located in the feelings, affections and apprehensions that exist inside all people from all places and times, anchored in the subjective experience of each as its source. The reason the king cannot help but ask, "But how does it advance the cause?" is because their reference point is situational, located in the logistics required to keep advancing the mission towards the vision that exists for the kingdom as a whole, anchored in the structures and systems that facilitate the intended outcome.

Prophet - Truth
Priest - Compassion

King - Power

Each disposition utilizes a certain point of leverage. The prophet will always appeal to the fact that what he says is true. He sees the world in terms of black and white, true and false and being on the side of right and true is the place his emphasis invariably lands. He confronts people by identifying what is true. The priest will always appeal to compassion. He sees the person and their need to be known and understood. He meets people by identifying with them. The king will always appeal to power. He sees the need for force to be applied in order to corral people or things where they ought to be. He leads people by identifying what moves them.

Prophet - Informational 
Priest - Transformational
King - Organizational

Each disposition has a point where the rubber hits the road and machinery respective to its agenda that it employs and uses to test success. The prophet gauges this through information. Did they hear and understand what is true? Do they know it? Can they repeat it back to me? Do they appreciate the gravity of the details? The mantra of the prophet is, "ideas have consequences." The priest gauges this through transformation. Did they change? Did they respond? Did they make a change? Has their disposition towards the world been transformed? The mantra of the priest is, "Transparency leads to change." The king gauges this through organization. Does the current structure complement the goal? What systems need to be implemented to further the cause? What structures would help resist mission creep? The mantra of the king is, "A good plan is better than good intentions."

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