Friday, June 26, 2020

day no. 15,222: callista janelle... threenager extraordinaire

Callista Janelle Van Voorst, you are a hoot. Every night when I used to lay you down for bedtime in the pack n play in our room, you would spend time tucking in your "babies" who are some stuffed animals. I know this because when I would come to get you and move you to your bedroom for the night with the big girls, Penelope and Laurelai, they were always tucked into the covers on our bed while you are conked out in yours. Now that you go to bed in the girls' room from the git go, your maternal spirit has not dampened a single bit, but now you tuck your babies under the cover on the opposite side of your pack n play. Sometimes even after nap, you get up and then insist on leaving the fan running for the sake of your babies, who, of course, are still napping.

You have a deep maternal streak and immediately rush to the aid and care of anyone who is not feeling well, hurt or sad. You rub their back and try to make eye contact as you say, "You ok?" until the hurt person acknowledges that they are, in fact, ok. You love setting the table and being involved in anything in the kitchen. 

You are particular. You like one, solitary ice cube in your sippy cup. You like to hold the timer while you brush your teeth. You like to buckle your own strap on your booster seat at the kitchen table. You like to walk yourself up the stairs instead of being carried. 

You love making silly faces and making people laugh. You love being a big kid and being wherever the action is. You love cuddling mom when we watch television in the evening. You love to dance and immediately begin to catch whatever rhythms are played over the airwaves in our home. 

You know that there is only one God and where He lives. You know He made you and you love reading our Spurgeon quote before dinner time reading,

"Visit many good books, but live in the Bible."

You are full of life and full of force. You know what you want and expect others to want it just as much. Your mom and I have had to institute several reigns of terror in order to corral your independence into something more constructive and you fall in with some persuasion. You are not easy to outlast. May God employ that tenacity as fiercely for His glory as it is currently employed for your fancies. You are strong-willed and kind-hearted. I love being your dad and spending time with you. You are a wild, predictable card: predictably wild, wildly predicatble :) I can count on you to make life interesting in the best ways possible and you always come through.

I can't wait to meet the lady you are becoming and I love the little girl that you currently are. 


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