Saturday, June 6, 2020

day no. 15,202: better to be accused with Him by culture than acquitted by culture and condemned by Him

"Then there are Christians who are acutely sensitive to any charges the world might level at them, however absurd. The last thing in the world they would ever want to be called is a racist, and so the world steers these Christians where they “ought to be” by threatening to call them racists. They tremble at the thought of being called homophobic, so the world draws itself up to full height and calls them homophobic. These Christians are full of cowardice. The fear flows over the lip of their emotional cup, and they are standing in the slop. They have ceded complete authority to the world to define righteousness and unrighteousness for them. This is how it can come to pass that after Jesus picks a fight with the respected religious leaders of the day in John 8, the response of the contempo-Christian is to call such behavior un-Christlike. Fine. Folly is identified by her children, and all of them are pretty ugly and really stupid." - Douglas Wilson, Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

There are good reasons to be called a racist, a homophobe, sexist, etc... There are obviously bad reasons to be labeled or accused of being any of these, but it isn't necessarily a statement on your standing before God to be called any of these. It all depends on who is calling you that and why.

If you declare the God grants dignity to all men regardless of their color, this may land you labeled a racist by those who insist that whiteness be included in Paul's laundry list of sins in Romans 1:29-32.

If you declare that God defines morality and marriage, including which parts go where, with whom and how often, you may be called homophobic by those who insist that two screws can turn into each other without turning into something else and that two nuts, if rubbed together, can become one mechanism.

If you declare that God made men and women in His image, but made one from the ground for the ground and one from the man for the man, this may get you shrieked down as a toxic masculinity mongering sexist by those who insist man made himself out of the muck and can become whatever he so determines by might.

In those circumstances, deal me in with the racist, homophobic misogynists. If by those definitions, God is declared racist, homophobic, and chauvinistic, then count me in His company. Better to be found in Him accused of that than acquitted by a culture under His condemnation.

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