Sunday, October 20, 2019

day no. 14,972 continued... between two thieves


Today, before Sunday afternoon naps it came to light that you had been stealing your siblings toys and hiding them in your backpack. As we chatted before nap, we discussed that stealing was breaking God's Law and that someone who steals is a thief. We talked about how thieves deserve to go to hell and that when Jesus died He was hung between two thieves. They were being killed for what they had done.

You felt the weight of your sin and believed that God was just in His handling of sinners, particularly thieves. Knowing yourself to be one, you understandably began crying and begging not to be separated from your daddy and to be sent to hell.

Then, I shared the Good News with you. Jesus was perfect and went to the cross for the sins of thieves. He was separated from the love of His Father on the cross so that we do not have to be separated from it. Jesus died for sinners so that they would not have to die for their sins or be separated from the love of the Father for them.

In sharing this Good News with you, I asked you if you wanted to put your faith in Jesus, repent of your sins and follow Him to receive His sacrifice to be for your sins. You said, "yes, but you didn't know how." I led you in praying to God for forgiveness, gratitude for His provision and commitment to walk by the power of His Spirit.

You went to nap a comforted girl and woke up with new life. I could sense even a change in your countenance and a proactive looking to the needs and interests of others almost immediately. I noticed a change and a softness when it came to responding to commands and requests from your mother or me. You are a new creation, a sister in Christ, not just a daughter I adore.

Before bed, after family movie night, you asked to take a picture with me to document the day. Attached is a picture of us in the hallway before bed celebrating all that God is doing in our hearts and under our roof. 

Praise God for His tender mercy and for saving us and making us family twice over, by blood and by grace.

I love you, Lolo! So excited to watch you grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and others.

Your Daddy

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