Monday, December 24, 2012

merry madvent, gay Christmas‏

Recently my distant and impersonal friend Jon Acuff had the audacity to point out that Christmas is not about the “the war on Christmas” as much as it is about Jesus.

You can see the nuclear fallout HERE.


He concluded, “Should you say “Merry Christmas?” Sure, I think that phrase is awesome, but let’s not pretend that angels get wings when you do.”

Welcome to Madvent.

This reminds me more of secret password Jesus
than it does “the reason for the season.”
Besides, I think people are focusing on the wrong word.
Everyone gets all bent out of shape over "holiday" being substituted for "Christmas.".
My beef, however, is with “Merry.”
Who even says that?

It’s your birthday:
Merry Birthday. Nope. Fail.

It’s your anniversary:
Merry Anniversary. Nope. Fail.

It’s your graduation party:
Congrats Grad. But I digress…

Let’s change the culture.
I’m with you culture warrior.
Let's get bent out of shape.
Let's get bent!
But let’s attack them where they never expected:

Gay Christmas!
Yeah, that’s right.

Gay still means happy or cheerful.
Remember? We used to deck the halls with our gay apparel.

Hey, the gay nation has already co-opted our rainbows, our doves, and our parades,
Well, the first two at least were ours first.

Let’s recover our words and our holiday all in one fell swoop.

Here’s to a very Gay Christmas.

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