Tuesday, May 7, 2024

day no. 16,633: the fruit from the tree and the fullness of the Law

"Just as the ten commandments are summarized by the two great commandments — love God and love your neighbor — so they are summarized by the one great commandment before the Fall, which was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge." — Douglas Wilson, Westminster Systematics

Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lest you die is to say:

(1) you shall have no other gods before the One who issued this clear command,
(2) how that God is to be worshiped,
(3) that His Name is as holy as His commandments are His glory,
(4) rest in the goodness of His commands by eating from any of the other trees,
(5) honor the Father in Heaven by honoring His commandments on earth,
(6) respect life by not taking a human life by taking the fruit,
(7) keep the garden bed pure and keep adulterous fruit out of the covenant cupboard,
(8) acknowledge the fruit of Another by refusing to see it as yours,
(9) testify to the truth of His Word and don't add to or take anything away from it,
(10) be content with what God gives and be happy for those to whom He has given.

The fruit of that tree was God's and not to be consumed. It was set aside, like a tithe, for Him alone. In not eating that fruit, one kept the entire Decalogue. In that one law, all Law lived. The fruit from the tree contained the fullness of the Law. In any of God's ordinances all of His glory is revealed.

James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

In any law, all the Law lives.

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