Saturday, May 4, 2024

day no. 16,630: if the dam don't hold

"If you can hold back the culture's influence long enough so that you can change it before it changes your children, you should stay. If not, you have no choice but to make some sort of change." — Raymond Simmons, The Confessional County

If your dam won't hold, you have to move to higher ground. If your walls cannot keep the evil out, you have to evacuate. The Gospel of God will conquer the world, but some fronts may be temporarily lost in the course of the campaign. You cannot begin by taking Berlin. Nor can you initially expect to keep Berlin out of your backyard if you live within shouting distance. You cannot defend that plot of land by dying in it. You must retreat and regroup in order to return with the Allies to your homeland. It will be won back and Berlin will fall, but only by those who consolidated their forces outside its city limits.

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