Wednesday, March 14, 2018

day no. 14,387: the difficulty of being downcast

Psalm 42
Jesus said that the thirsty and hungry are blessed because they will find refreshment and food from their Heavenly Father. Yet when your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth and your stomach feels like it is devouring itself, it is hard to imagine it's a blessing. When it is dark and you desire light, cold and you beg for warmth, lonely and long for love, stressful and the finish line seems so far off, it is easy to feel downcast. I love how the Psalmist speaks to his soul. It is so difficult to reason with feelings. They don't respond to logic. Which is why we don't let them lead. We lead our hearts into the truth and beg it to respond with new feelings, new affections, and new hope because there's new mercy available daily even when everything seems to be going wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Yes to all of this! It really is hard sometimes to speak truth to the feelings, but I love that God created our feelings to be part of an integrated whole - they will follow suit if pushed hard enough!
