Thursday, September 28, 2023

day no. 16,411: generations are nations

"A very profound and precise instinct has let them to single out the human household as the chief obstacle to their inhuman progress. Without the family we are helpless before the State, which in our modern case is the Servile State."  G.K. Chesterton, The Superstition of Divorce

The family is a form of government directly established by God. As such, it will always provide a natural push back to a State who wants exclusive control of each citizen. The family is the fundamental rallying point for free people. It is a world unto itself, a nation under one roof. That nation grows as children grow and establish homes of their own. Generations are nations.

"For humanity to be thus spontaneously organised from below, it is necessary that the organisation should be almost as universal as the official organisation from above. The tyrant must find not one family but many families defying his power; he must find mankind not a dust of atoms, but fixed in solid blocks of fidelity. And those human groups must support not only themselves but each other." — G.K. Chesterton, The Superstition of Divorce

Pharaoh feared a family.

Israel went from seventy persons to millions, but all that would have been for nothing if they had not been unified. A million greased bb’s in an Egyptian bag are no concern of Pharaoh’s. He could keep that kind of thing in his garage, out of sight and out of mind. But these were not atomistic individuals, they were families and communities in covenant. They were twelve tribes of one nation with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as their fathers. They had an arche and that gave Pharaoh fits. They had an allegiance outside of him. The family has loyalties he cannot access or interfere with. That is why Pharaohs fear families. That is why the State wants to play Daddy.

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