Saturday, August 12, 2023

day no. 16,364: if God is given a permanent hall pass

"The school system that ignores God teaches its pupils to ignore God; and this is not neutrality. It is the worst form of antagonism, for it judges God to be unimportant and irrelevant in human affairs. This is atheism." — Gordon H. Clark

If God is given a permanent hall pass, we can assume His presence in the classroom isn't all that important. How much more so then, if He is expelled from the entire school? If the whole world of facts and information can go on well enough without Him, then the one fact that is necessarily being taught in every classroom is that God's presence doesn't matter. He is of no consequence. He is irrelevant. 

But if God is I AM then He is the only substance, rightly speaking. Everything else is derivative. He exists necessarily and everything else consists of His provision. To teach anything without God is to teach that the Triune God does not exist. If anything can be known without reference to Him, He is not the source of it. But if God is who He says He is, then we must include Him in everything. But not merely in a token nod or obligatory mention, but in celebration and recognition. This doesn't require one to use the Bible to teach math per se, but to teach that math is only possible because of the Word. Finite integers are only possible if their distance is consistently held in place by hands that cannot be shaken. A predictable world cannot be without a Subject. The predicate cannot stand on its own. It comes after the subject necessarily as a matter of importance and chronologically as of matter of temporality.

All that to say, any institution that does not acknowledge God is teaching first and foremost that God does not matter, regardless of whatever else they may or may not teach. The Government Schools are therefore, no place for a Christian child. 

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