Monday, May 1, 2023

day no. 16,261: playing it fast and loose with narrow-mindedness

Luke 15:13
The younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant country, and there he squandered his estate with loose living.

Those who choose a life of loose living often have a problem they never see coming. Their problem is that they define, "loose,” too tightly. They have a very specific idea of what loose looks like. Letting loose for them is serious business. If you, for example, attempted to boast of the looseness and freedom of keeping your marriage vows, they would scoff. That doesn't fit the narrative. That isn't "loose." That's tight and restrictive. But what they fail to notice in their indictment is the strictness of their definition.

The wild child needs to loosen up, beginning with their definition of what constitutes being free. Free to sin is not free enough. It is enslavement to a narrow idea of what liberates. A looser definition of looseness is needed, one that includes being loosed from sin.

Open and loose are too strictly defined in the mind of the modern day rebel. Even their word, "rebel" is only applied toward rebelling against a particular kind of thing. If you point out that a true rebel in today's world would have hair the color God gave him and khakis likely of a similar color which he marches off to work five days a week, you are mocked.

In the world, open-mindedness is defended violently and narrow-mindedness is disciplined severely. Loose living is celebrated a very particular way and freedom is limited in its scope. There is, therefore, no category for a woman enthusiastically enjoying her time as a wife and a mother, or one for a child freely choosing a spanking from a parent who is always there over a blank check from a parent who rarely is.

In short, modernity plays it close to the vest when it comes to open-mindedness and fast and loose when it comes to narrow-mindedness. There are any number of things they call narrow and very few things they call open.

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