Saturday, April 29, 2023

day no. 16,259: penelope page... teenager!

Peneople Page, what did you do? How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday you were eating all the icing and handing me the cupcake stump and now you're a teenager! They say that time flies when you're having fun, but admittedly, they say all kinds of things.Yet even a broken clock is correct twice a day and on this subject, they're spot on. It has been a blast and it has been fast.

All that to say, Happy birthday, Penelope! Today you are a party animal! Which is only differs from every other day in that this one comes with a party hat. Rarely does a day go by that you don't spend at least some time practicing your animagus. You love wildlife. You love reading about animals, thinking about animals, pretending to be different animals, and pretending to own various animals. You carry an invisible zoo with you wherever you go. Your imaginary pets are everywhere. I'm afraid I'm going to run one over someday. Just imagine the imaginary veterinarian bills!

With all that imaginative power at your disposal, it is not shocking that you are a story teller. You love creating characters and inventing worlds for them to explore. You have written and rewritten many stories and many imaginary dragons and dangers have been dispatched thanks to your creativity. I love reading your stories. By the time I get to, however, I've often heard bits and pieces of it from you. As you write, you can't help but want to share the joy. It is fun to watch you delight in your craft.

You also love writing songs. You have really enjoyed having a second piano in the basement which is fair game for playing. While I am working from home, I often hear you in the conservatory below me practicing piano pieces and composing new ones. You also spend plenty of time in your room playing guitar and often write tunes and songs on it as well. You are a whirlwind of creative energy. From singing, to composing, to writing, to playing, to dancing, to performing.... you are always up to something.

Your Bible reading apple did not fall far from the Bible reading tree. Like me, you've developed the habit of reading tomorrow's readings and sometimes even several days ahead. You faithfully read every evening before bed and fret when you get behind, which is code for regular person on schedule and lazy person advanced placement.

You like to cook and bake and are learning a lot from your mom and from your books about making and baking good food. You enjoy making special treats for your siblings and for others when we're having them over for dinner or to bring with us for those who are hosting us. You look for excuses to bake things and I can't say I mind much... unless they're all gone before I can eat any.

You have really enjoyed making friends here in Leavenworth and have fit right in with several girls at church. It is fun to watch you enjoy them. You are a good friend and like thinking of others. You and Lydia are birds of a feather and it's fun watching you flock together.

You are growing up and this last year has been full of milestones confirming that. You are still my little girl, but you are growing into a fine young lady. You are smart, funny, organized, quick-witted, creative, predictable, playful, faithful, and friendly. You like people and people like you. 

There is always more that could be said and if I've forgotten anything, I'm sure you'll remind me :)

I love you, Penelope. 
I like being your dad.

Happy Birthday, Nen!

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