Friday, March 25, 2022

day no. 15,860: when your wife, like fine wine, ages well

They say that time flies when you're having fun. Admittedly, they say all kinds of crap, but in this particular case, they appear to be right. However, what they miss is that time flies just as quickly when you're having babies. And how much the more then when you're having fun having babies? By that math, you should be fast enough to give the Flash a run for his money and I don't doubt that you could if I didn't also know how much you dislike running. Best leave those sorts of shenanigans to the superheros, amiright? I mean, those voxxer messages aren't just going to answer themselves. Hit the showers windsprints, Scrubs is on.

All that to say, happy birthday!

You've done a lot this last year between surviving the Winter of our Deadly Discontents and having another baby. All things considered, those two facts alone would constitute a pretty productive year. Add to that the regular upkeep of the household and maintenance of the people who dwell therein and you round out quite the resume. I am very grateful for all that you do from planning and preparing our meals to cleaning up after them, from keeping our shelves stocked to keeping track of our appointments and schedules. You proactively look for ways to improve our lives from better water to cuter pillows and make the effort to resurrect our yard back to life:

“Paige, can this yard live?”
“You know, Lord.”
“Call out to the yard and say, ‘Dry clay, hear the word of the LORD! “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life."’” Worth a shot, right?

Our household depends on you. Not just your presence, but your person. We need you; not just another warm body doing its job. We need your personality influencing the atmosphere of our world. We depend on you and rely upon you. And you, for your part, come through for us. You take care of us and think of us and go out of your way to serve us. From the time spend making sure the kids have shoes that fit to researching and ordering curriculum that fits our vision, you are do it all. You make sure I have shoes for walking and clean sheets for sleeping under. You keep up with everyone's birthdays and all the presents that accompany them; and more often than not, you even keep your head in the process. 

And if that we not enough, you have friends who reach out to you for advice. When they are wrestling through the cross-sections of Christianity and culture, you are the one they turn to. You always have more voice messages to listen to than you have time to respond to. You are a resource many rely upon for truth, advice, wisdom, and godly counsel.

I am proud to be your husband. I am glad that you are my children's mother. I like you and I love you and I promise that I always will. Especially if you keep making it this easy. 

Happy birthday! Here's to many more.


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