Sunday, November 21, 2021

day no. 15,736: worry doesn't work

Matthew 6:26
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. 

Birds are not lazy. Jesus is not commending birds as those who merely wait for food to fall from heaven. No, birds are always busy. They are hard workers. They are mending their nests or out trying to find food to bring back to their nests. They are not fed because God chases them around and forces them to eat. They know what they're looking for and they look for it. 

Worry doesn't work.

Worry doesn't look for food. It sits and worries that there won't be any. Worry doesn't mend the nest, it sits and frets that the nest won't hold together in the storm.

Worry doesn't work.

It doesn't do anything. It spins. It perseverates. It frets. But it does not do.

Not only that, but worry doesn't work.

It isn't effective. It doesn't even do what it is trying to do. It doesn't accomplish what it intends. It doesn't hit the target it aims at. It seeks to relieve stress, but only creates more. It seeks to deal with the problem but does nothing about it. It refuses to lift a finger to fix the problem and as a result, the problem remains and grows worse by neglect.

Worry is a false prophet.
It cannot produce what it predicts.

Worry is not effective.

It never delivers what it promises. It can't. Delivering would be doing something and that's the last thing worry wants to do. But it doesn't stop it from still promising. It promises to accomplish the end without being engaged in any of the means. 

Worry is of no profit.
Worry is unemployable.
It cannot work and it doesn't work.

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