Thursday, November 4, 2021

day no. 15,718: rocketsauce at SIX!

Rocco Henry Warfield Van Voorst... you are SIX years old today!!!

You did it!

No more naps... no more naps... no more naps!!!

Well, except for Sunday... but in fairness, everyone naps then :) The thing you seem to dislike the most about naps is that you miss your brothers and sisters. You are always very compliant when you're told it's time for nap, but you also often express that the hardest part is being apart from those you love most. Well, buddy... your day has come. You are six, and the afternoon... is your oyster.

You are such a smart kid. You catch on to things quickly. You are beginning your first year of official schooling, but admittedly, you've been teaching yourself many things already for years. You have a sharp mind. I am excited to watch you learn and grow through your schooling. It is so much fun hearing the things you think about. You are going to devastate the enemies of God. Their arguments don't stand a chance.

You are articulate. You like sharing your thoughts and talking about what you're thinking about. You have a way with words and impeccable comedic timing. You are always good for a funny comment here or there. You pay attention to what's being talked about and know how to keep up with your older siblings. You seem to be hanging back and then, blammo!, you drop a gem that makes everyone grin.

You are a handsome little man. You have beautiful eyes and a hard head. At night, you often pray about your future wife. You pray to be a good dad and husband. You have a vision for who you want to be and what God wants you to do. The world needs more good, strong men who are good at being men, and you, my son, are well on your way.

You have developed a recent interest in goatees. I won't hold it against you. I had an interest in them at one point as well. Just ask my senior pictures. 

You are physical. You love to hug, jump, punch, bounce, wrassle, squeeze, grab, etc... You are all boy. You bounce off the walls and play hard. You love to mix it up and you like getting in over your head. You seek out the challenge. You turn towards the difficulty, not away from it. That is man's move and all the more so since you're still only a boy. I can't wait to watch that instinct grow up. Darkness beware. You're about to be put on blast!

You are strong. You like your daily exercises and like showing off your muscles. You are thick and dense and muscle-y. You like wearing tank tops so you can show off your guns. You're all, "suns out, guns out," but not, "suns down, guns down." You're never not ready to play the man. You like being strong and that is leading you to become even stronger.

You have a good heart, a strong body and sharp mind. You are a dangerous little dude. The darkness doesn't stand a chance. I'm so glad you're on my team. :) We ALL are.

My prayer for you from the beginning, as you know, has been that you would be a cannonball for God's kingdom. Your middle name, Warfield, was given to you as an homage to B.B. Warfield, but also as a recognition that the cultural cold war seemed, even then, to be heating up and that the need for more good and godly men, trained in the way of worship and warfare, was becoming more pressing. 

So why "A cannonball for God's kingdom"? Cannonballs are formed and shaped in a particular mold. They are made a particular way by their Maker for a particular purpose. They are hard and tough and resilient. They maintain their shape when fired from a cannon and can fly through the air before crashing into an enemy's fortress. Cannonballs change the shape of the enemy's walls without being changed themselves. They are able to engage with the enemy without being changed by them. They are still hard balls of resolve after the walls fall down all around them.

May you, my son, also be formed fully by God's formation and submit to His plans to fire you off wherever He will send you and may you always retain the shape He gave you and change the shape of the world all around you. The gates of hell cannot prevail against God's kingdom and I fully expect you to play a pivotal role in destroying the demonic strongholds that surround us. As the diameter of light increases, the circumference of darkness grows, so if it seems like it's getting worse, its only an illusion. More contact and conflict with the dark is a sure sign that the light is growing in influence.

I love you, Rocco. You're a good son, a good brother, and a good man. I like being your dad. I love you and I like you. I'm so glad God put you in our family. We wouldn't be the same without you. 

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

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