Tuesday, June 15, 2021

day no. 15,576: God is everywhere that He is anywhere

"The Holy Spirit cannot be located as a Guest in a house, He invades everything." -- Oswald Chamber, My Utmost for His Highest

God is not a house guest. He never rents to own. He cannot be contained to a compartment. He is everywhere that He is anywhere. All authority in heaven and on earth and in you belongs to Him. There is not an inch or acre of anywhere, including you, that does not have His name on the deed. There is not a single cent in any account, including yours, that is not borrowed from His treasury. There is not a second that passes on any calendar, including yours, which does not tick by at His command. Seconds don't pass because they have to. The clock doesn't tick because it must. It's hands move and time continues because He decrees it. Things do not fall because of gravity, they fall because of the God of gravity.  

God does not set up embassies in people. He does not set aside a sacred space within the boundaries of a person as the official representation of His kingdom. He either takes over a country or He doesn't live there. His banner is the either the flag that waves over the entire nation or it does not fly inside a nation's borders. He is not a state or province, He is the kingdom.

God is not interested in being part of your life. He is not anxiously awaiting an invitation to the graduation party of your heart. Either Jesus is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all. He cannot be located anywhere that He is not everywhere. He is no one's house guest. He either owns the house or it is condemned.

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