Thursday, May 7, 2020

day no. 15,172: in peacetime, prepare!

"Everything we do in peacetime should prepare us for combat. Our preparation for combat depends upon training and education that develop the action and thought essential to battle." -- MCDP 1-3: Tactics

Combat begins before the bullets fly. If you wait until you're under attack to prepare for battle, someone else will be preparing your body for interment. Peacetime is the place to prepare for war. It is the time to practice, to run drills, to prepare, to plan, to be proactive, to define your priorities and organize your paths to pursue them so that when another attempts to impose their priorities upon you or to prevail upon you, you are proven ready to defend and to diffuse the importunity. 

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

If the plan is simply, "hope they don't attack," you should plan on watching someone else raise your children, date your wife and live their priorities in the places where you have failed to live yours. If you do not operate in correspondence with your priorities, it will not leave a vacuum. Your time, talents, and resources will be determined by someone else's priorities. Your life will be led by the imposition of someone else, yet in the end, God will hold you responsible.

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul who sins shall die.

If you sin by pursuing unworthy priorities, you will suffer for it. If you suffer under the priorities of others, you prove yourself unworthy.

You will either die for what's worth living or you will live for what deserves death.

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