Saturday, November 9, 2019

day no. 14,992: initiative is imposing our will upon our enemy

"All actions in war, regardless of the level, are based upon either taking the initiative or reacting in response to the opponent. By taking the initiative, we dictate the terms of the conflict and force the enemy to meet us on our terms. The initiative allows us to pursue some positive aim even if only to preempt an enemy initiativeIt is through the initiative that we seek to impose our will on the enemy. The initiative is clearly the preferred form of action because only through the initiative can we ultimately impose our will on the enemy. At least one party to a conflict must take the initiative for without the desire to impose upon the other, there would be no conflict. The second party to a conflict must respond for without the desire to resist, there again would be no conflict... Actions in war more or less reflect the constant imperative to seize and maintain the initiative.

Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion

One of the most fundamental essences of masculinity is that of initiative. It is knowing what to do, when to do it and then doing it. It is imposing your will. God created Adam and gave him marching orders and objectives. He was to be the imposer of God's will upon all of creation, stamping God's image upon it and bearing fruit from up out of it. He was also called to impose his will and subdue any threats to the world under his feet or the objective on his soul.

Initiative is essential because resistance is a given.

The world will not produce more fruit than it has to, sin will not mortify itself and praise will not vivify itself. The imposition of the Spirit-guided and empowered man of God is to spread the glory of God to and through all of creation, to each and every place, in every nook and cranny, to every height or depth... all of life under all of Christ.

But the darkness will not go quietly into the light. The greater the diameter of light, the greater the circumference of darkness. As the light swells, the perimeter grows, resulting in increased contact and touch points with the darkness. The skirmishes increase as the opportunities for battle increase. Where the spotlight is growing, the battlefield grows. The front lines increase as the light bulges. 

Genesis 3:15 
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
He shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise His heel.

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